An Invitation: To Embrace the Energy of Autumn on your yoga mat
To honour the season of Autumn – naturally a time of letting go and releasing - we will embrace this in our yoga practice for the morning.
As the nights begin to draw in, the leaves are starting to drop as the earth embraces Autumn and begins to turn towards wintering, what can we notice and learn from this as we prepare for the next season and bid farewell to the energy and vibrancy of summer?
The energy of Autumn naturally invites us to consider - What areas of your life feel stale, stuck, or old? What is no longer serving you? Decide what you want to breathe life into, and what you want to release. We will hold this lightly as we arrive at our practice for the morning...
The aim of this workshop is to offer time and space to come together with other women and embrace a gentle grounding breath led flowing yoga practice. Followed by a long relaxation and yoga nidra, ending with time to “sit and sip” to ground and assimilate before returning to the hustle and demands of the world and daily life.
You will leave feeling rested and rejuvenated by the harmony of breath and movement in yoga; nourished by the morning, like a warm bowl of hearty soup!
When & Where
Date: Saturday 5 October 2024
Time: 11 am – 1pm
Venue: Fresh Dance & Arts Centre, 44-46 Greenbank Rd, Greenbank, Bristol, BS5 6EY
Cost: £25
Book now to claim your space! – Early bird rate £20 available until 5th September
Can you give yourself time to step out of the striving, the doing, the demands and activity of daily place your roles and responsibilities to one side and put your own wellbeing front and centre?
Give yourself the gift of 2 hours on a yoga mat: Time to reset, rebalance after all the intensity, vibrancy and outward energy of summer and embrace the energy of a new season: Autumn.